We're Here to Support You

Our mission is to empower aspiring students

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Contribute to a Better World

We believe education is a gateway to increased opportunities

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Join the Family

We aim to equip students with the tools they need to thrive

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What We Believe

The Oddo Family Foundation holds the belief that education is a gateway to increased lifetime opportunities, heightened self-esteem, and success in professional endeavors - making the world better for everyone.

Our Mission

To empower aspiring students of families from within the building services industry through scholarships for higher education whether that be college, trade schools, or vocational learning programs.

How We Do It

We provide scholarships to qualified applicants whose parents or guardians are employed in the building services industry, and who are enrolled in college, trade, or vocational schools. Annual scholarships of up to $2,500 per year may be awarded for a maximum of 4 years. The application timeline is February 1st through June 30th for each upcoming academic year.

What Makes Us Unique?

Mentorship Division

Each scholarship recipient will be assigned to a Oddo Family Foundation community member.

Tools For Success

We set out to supply our scholarship recipients with the tools and resources they'll need to make the most out of their education.


We encourage all recipients to join our community-based network, where connections play a vital role in our collective success

Find Out if You Qualify

Learn more about our scholarships

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happy students


I wanted to say how much your and your foundations help has helped me immensely. Not only has paying felt more relieving, it has made me work harder. I have had the opportunity to be on the dean's list for the 4th consecutive time, (Dean's list each semester so far!) I couldn't have made it without all your help.


2023 Recipient

This scholarship helped me last year with covering most of the costs of a semester at SF State, and if granted this scholarship it could help me once again cover the cost of my final semesters that both my parents and I pay for. It could alleviate my parents who are also working less due to age and dont have salary jobs, and with rising rent prices, its been harder and harder to live in the area.


2023 Recipient

I received this scholarship last year and it gave me more freedom to pursue academic, professional, and personal aspirations, such as participating in research and clubs. Without financial stress, I can strengthen my career prospects and enjoy and make the most out of my time in college. Aside from positively impacting me, this scholarship would relieve stress from my working parents and brother, who will go to college soon.


2023 Recipient